Meeting the CCAF Challenge

By Robert “Bob” Bilyk


I recently watched Ethan Edwards present ‘Cracking the e-Learning Authoring Challenge’.  This post is my attempt at cracking the e-Learning authoring challenge.

But first a little background.

As many of you have the privilege of knowing, Ethan Edwards is the Chief Instructional Strategist for Allen Interactions.  Cracking the challenge is all about building interactivity in an authoring tool – specifically, CCAF interactivity.  CCAF is an acronym for Context-Challenge-Action-Feedback.  The four components of CCAF are part of Michael Allen’s CCAF Design Model for effective learning experiences.  Michael Allen is the founder of Allen Interactions, the author of numerous books on eLearning, and the chief architect of Authorware and ZebraZapps.  Both authoring systems were designed for people with little technical expertise to be able to build – you guessed it — CCAF learning experiences.

In Ethan’s presentation, he demonstrates building a CCAF activity with Articulate Storyline.  In a nutshell, the CCAF learning experience is the experience of “doing”.  Rather than reading or viewing content, the learner experiences first-hand the application of principles, concepts, strategies, and problem-solving in completing a task and succeeding at a challenge.

In Ethan’s demo, his task is to detect a refrigerant leak.  The learner is shown refrigeration equipment and given a leak detector.  The learner doesn’t at first read a pdf or watch a video but performs an action.  In CCAF activities, text and videos might come in the form of feedback to a learner’s action.

Some of the CCAF learning experiences that I designed include running a multiple hearth wastewater incinerator, troubleshooting a cable network, supporting the adoption of a special needs child, designing an online class, assessing risk of recidivism, and, most recently, searching for documents in a document management system.  In all cases, most of the learning came from being immersed in a ‘real world’ setting’, presented with a challenge, and getting feedback because of learner actions. 

Ethan’s presentation piqued my curiosity and a bit of self-reflection.  He lists things that are essential in an authoring tool to enable the design of a CCAF learning experience.  As a toolmaker, I explored each of the items on his list and I applied them to a small project built with our own LodeStar eLearning authoring tool. 

As we explore each item on Ethan’s list, I’ll illustrate with LodeStar.  If you follow along, you’ll see the development of a simple CCAF application.  You’ll learn about the components of CCAF.  And you’ll also learn a little about LodeStar and its capabilities.

But first an important caveat. CCAF comes in all forms, shapes and sizes. Ethan’s example and my example happen to be very simple simulations. The principles of CCAF are not limited to simulations. They can be applied to anything that requires action on the part of the learner — which includes making a decision, crafting a plan, analyzing and solving a problem — a host of things.

This is but one example of CCAF to illustrate its principles and test whether or not our authoring tool is up to the challenge.

Introduction to the Demo Application

The objective of the application is for learners to test an electrical outlet and determine which wires are hot or ‘energized’.  In completing this task, the learner must turn on an electrical multimeter and connect its probes to the various wires in an electrical outlet.  A multimeter is a measuring instrument that typically measures voltage, resistance, and current.  Once someone has learned the difference between these things, the practical skill is in choosing the right setting for the task and safely using the meter to complete the task. 

So that’s the challenge:  find the hot wire with a multimeter.  The context is a simple residential electrical outlet. 

Typical eLearning applications would use text, graphics and video to illustrate the use of the multimeter and explain underlying concepts.  CCAF applications challenge learners to complete the task in a manner that is an educational approximation of the ‘real thing’.  Text, graphics and video can offer explanations but not in lieu of the real-world task and often as a form of feedback. 

A LodeStar Application: Testing an Electrical Circuit

Basic Capabilities

But let’s start with an overview of the basic requirements.  To paraphrase Ethan, an authoring tool must have these capabilities:

  • Complete visual freedom
  • Variables
  • Alternative branching
  • Conditional logic
  • Action/response structures

I’ll elaborate on each of these requirements in my demonstration. 

Complete Visual Freedom

LodeStar combines HTML flow layout and SVG layout.  Images imported into the HTML editor are placed in the HTML flow and are laid out according to the rules of HTML.  Images can also be taken out of the flow and applied with a CSS rule so that text flows around the image.

In addition, LodeStar authors can use the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) canvas to layout out graphics freely in any position on the x and y axis. 

LodeStar’s SVG Canvas

In other words, the graphical elements on the SVG canvas are laid out freely.  The SVG canvas itself is just another HTML element.  Depicted below is a flow of HTML elements like text, images, divs, tables, etc.  The SVG canvas is in the ‘flow’ right along with them. Inside the canvas, graphical elements can be positioned anywhere, but the canvas itself follows the HTML document flow. shrinking and expanding as needed.

The visual freedom is that LodeStar combines the benefits of a responsive HTML flow with the precise positioning of an SVG canvas.

HTML elements are laid out on the page in a flow. If the page width narrows, the element isn’t by default clipped. It’s just bumped to the next line. The SVG canvas flows right along with the other elements. Its contents, however, are positioned with local XY coordinates.

I started with a multimeter image that I took from, a repository of free stock photos.  I used Photoshop to cut out the dial and imported it in the SVG canvas as a separate image.  I did this because I wanted the learner to be able to rotate the switch to place the multimeter in the right mode.  I also imported the image of an electrical box so that I could draw wires overtop.


 As I wrote in the Humble Variable (The Humble Variable | LodeStar Web Journal (, variables are critical to some eLearning designs.  In this example, I need to store the position of the multimeter switch.  That’s what variables do.  They are storage places in the computer memory.  As the learner clicks on the switch, the dial rotates.  As an author, I must store the value of that rotation.  If the value of the rotation is 40 degrees, the code judges the switch to be in the right position.

To enter the code that uses the variable, I right-click on the switch and select, ‘Select Branch Options’.  Branch Options are basically things that happen as a result of displaying a page or clicking on a button or choosing a multiple-choice option or doing one of many things.

Branch Options can be as simple as turning a page or as complex as executing a whole list of instructions. The following is a basic example of the latter:

The Multimeter code

var rotation = getValue(“dialRotation”);

rotation+= 10;

setValue(“dialRotation”, rotation);

changeRotation(“dial”,rotation ,13,27);

if(rotation % 360 == 40){

changeOpacity(“display”, 1);

appendValue(“actions”, “Turned on multimeter. <br>”);



changeOpacity(“display”, 0);


This code looks complicated to a non-programmer.  But it is not.  It just takes practice to write.  It’s on the same difficulty level as an Excel formula.

Here is the same code but with an explanation (in italics) underneath:

var rotation = getValue(“dialRotation”);

get the value of dialRotation from long-term memory and assign it to a local or temporary variable named ‘rotation’

rotation+= 10;

add 10 degrees to value of rotation.  In other words, rotation = the old value of rotation plus 10.

setValue(“dialRotation”, rotation);

store the new value in long-term memory in a location called ‘dialRotation’

changeRotation(“dial”,rotation ,13,27);

change the property of a graphic with the ID of ‘dial’.  All LodeStar graphics can be assigned an ‘ID’.

More specifically, change the rotation property by 10 degrees (the value of rotation).  Pivot the rotation at the precise point that equals 13% of the width of the SVG canvas and 27% of the height of the canvas.  That point is the center of the dial in its current position on the canvas.  If the dial were in the dead center of the canvas we would use 50, 50.

if(rotation % 360 == 40){

This line can be simplified to if(rotation == 40)   I used the modulo operator (that is, ‘%’) in case the learner kept rotating the dial around and around.  If rotation = 400, then 400 % 360 would equal 40.  360 divides into 400 once with a remainder of 40.  So, if rotation is equal to 40, then do the following:

changeOpacity(“display”, 1);

change the opacity of a graphic with the id of ‘display’  This is the text box used to show the voltage.

appendValue(“actions”, “Turned on multimeter. <br>”);

store the learner’s actions in long-term memory in a place called ‘actions’



changeOpacity(“display”, 0);

if the rotation of the dial does not equal 40, then shut off the display by changing its opacity to 0.


The Probe Code

I won’t explain the probe code in as much detail.  Basically, when you drag the red or black probe, then the following code is executed.  It essentially checks whether or not the probes are in the right spot.  If they are, the multimeter display shows 110 volts.

var  condition1 = isOverlap(“RedProbeTip”, “BlackWireBTarget”);

var  condition2 = isOverlap(“BlackProbeTip”, “box”);

if(condition1 == true && condition2 == true){

  changeText(“display”, “110.0”);

appendValue(“actions”, “Moved red probe to correct position. Black probe in correct position.<br>”);


else if(condition1 == true){

changeText(“display”, “0”);

appendValue(“actions”, “Moved red probe to correct position.<br>”);



changeText(“display”, “0”);

appendValue(“actions”, “Moved red  probe to incorrect position.<br>”);


These are the drag branch options that are tied to an object with a specific ID. 

Red probe in place; black probe is not. Therefore the meter shows ‘0’.
Red probe in place. Black probe in place. Meter shows 110 volts.

Alternative branching

Once the learner has tested the wires with the probes, with one probe connected to the wire and the other grounded, then the learner must select A, B, C, or D.  Here’s where alternative branching comes in.  Learners who select the right answer might go on to a more difficult scenario.  The above scenario is as easy as it gets.  Perhaps they must do a continuity test to detect where there is a break in the circuit.  Learners who select the wrong answer can be branched to a simple circuit or given an explanation that one black wire is coming directly from the power source, and the second black wire is passing on that power to the next outlet or switch.

CCAF applications accommodate the differences in learners.  The application can alter the sequence of experiences based on learner performance.  This is a profoundly different thing than typical eLearning applications where every learner reads the same text, watches the same videos, and completes the same quiz.

Conditional Logic

Ethan also lists conditional logic as a basic requirement of CCAF applications.  Conditional logic comes in the form of if-else statements as evidenced by the code.  Conditional logic also comes in the form of alternative branching.  Select the wrong answer and then get help.  In LodeStar, conditional logic is supported by not only its language and branch options but also by logic gates. 

In the display below, we see what happens when the learner reaches a gate.  (Incidentally, learners don’t actually see a gate.  When they page forward, the application checks the gate’s logic and then branches them according to some condition.  In this example, the author might configure the Gate with a pass threshold.  Let’s say 80%.  If the learner meets or exceeds a score of 80%, they are branched to the ‘Results’ page’.  If not, they may be routed to Circuit Basics. Follow the dotted lines.

Branches at the ‘page’ level are visualized in the Branch View.

Action/response structures

In our example, the learner moves the probes around.  If the multimeter is turned on, the learner sees a voltage display.  The action is moving the probe. The response is a voltage display. 

First, this a ‘real world’ action and ‘real world’ response.  I write ‘real-world’ in contrast to what happens in a typical multiple-choice question.  In a multiple-choice question, the learner clicks on a radio button and possibly sees a checkmark.  That’s only ‘real-world’ to an educational institution.  The world doesn’t present itself as set of multiple-choice questions. 

Second, when the learner sees a voltage display, that is feedback in the CCAF sense of the word.  The learner does something and then gets feedback.   Now, in our example, we did choose to combine ‘real-world’ feedback with a multiple-choice question.  Ultimately, the learner is asked to choose the letter next to the ‘hot’ wire.  In our example, we logged the learner’s actions and can unravel how they arrived at their final decision.  Did they connect the red probe to the right wire and did they ground the black probe?  If they selected the right answer but didn’t perform the correct actions that would lead to the right answer, we know they haven’t learned anything at all.


Authoring tools that enable one to create CCAF must have these capabilities: complete visual freedom, variable support, alternative branching, conditional logic, and action/response structures.

The hot wire example is an example of a very simple simulation.  But, as I wrote, the concept of CCAF isn’t restricted to this type of simulation.  CCAF can be found in decision making scenarios, for example. The learner might be placed in a situation and challenged to make the right decision or say the right thing.  That too is CCAF.  CCAF lies at the heart of effective learning experiences.

Serious eLearning: Use Interactivity to Prompt Deep Engagement

Elements of Interactivity

The Serious eLearning Manifesto challenges us to move beyond typical eLearning to the values  and principles of Serious eLearning.   One of those principles is, to quote the manifesto, ‘Use Interactivity to Prompt Deep Engagement’.  The sky is the limit in terms of what that actually means.  We know that it means something beyond page turners and roll overs.  Authoring tools offer us templates that have interactivity logic baked into the template.  The tools’ form-based interfaces allow us to provide information that feeds the template.  To do something original – outside of the constraints of a page turner presentation, or even an interaction template — requires a bit of code.  Few authoring tools allow you to realize your design fully without the knowledge and application of some basic coding.

ZebraZapps is  one of the notable exceptions.  ZebraZapps enables you to build complex interactions by wiring objects together.  A click, hover, drag or collision, for example, on one object could change the properties of another.  Dragging the earth and moon along their orbital path can cause the rise and fall of a tide graphic.  Authors connect the drag of an object constrained to a path to the height property of another object.  Expressing this relationship comes from wiring the drag event of one object to the property height of another object.  This expressiveness through the action of wiring is rare.  Most systems enable this expressiveness through language.  In other words, code.

If you google “should instructional designers learn to code” you’ll get more than 37 million results and many opinions.  My own view relates to the situation that many instructional designers find themselves in.  Whether they support a university department or mid-sized firm, they lack access to a programmer.  They are limited to what they know and how well they can work an authoring tool like Storyline or Captivate.  For them, a little knowledge of code can go a long way.  With a little knowledge, they can realize some pretty sophisticated designs.  They can do more than ‘click and present’. 

In the late 80s I was driving down a dark, country road listening to MPR.  The story was on Interactive Video.  Laserdiscs.  I was enthralled by the possibilities.  I asked my dean who was completing an advanced degree at the time in computer-based learning, what I needed to learn to control an interactive video laserdisc.  He answered “C”.  C was a programming language and his answer, which was actually incorrect, sealed my fate.  I began studying my first programming language oblivious to tools like TenCore and Course of Action (progenitor of Authorware) that afforded a much simpler way to control the laserdisc.

To finish this anecdote, I also began to study instructional design at the University of Minnesota.  At my first Wisconsin Distance Teaching and Learning Conference, I attended a pre-conference cracker barrel session.  Sitting around drinking wine were a bunch of researchers from Alberta’s Athabasca University.  I posed the question to them: “should instructional designers learn to code”.  The answer from at least one was unequivocal.  Become an instructional designer or a programmer.  You can’t do both.  There is too much to learn in either discipline.

So, I don’t necessarily take issue with that.  There is so much to learn in either discipline.  But modern authoring systems give us a way forward where we don’t have to totally geek out.  With just a few coding skills we can go long long way to realizing the serious eLearning principle:  “Use Interactivity to Prompt Deep Engagement.”

So let’s explore the basic prerequisites to interactivity.   There are three parts to this post.  First, this post discusses the relationships between computer code and this thing called interactivity.   Secondly, this video (LodeStar 9 — Elements Of Interactivity – YouTube) demonstrates a simple interaction that is made possible with the LodeStar eLearning authoring tool and its script (code) editor. Lastly, this DIY tutorial (Making your projects interactive and interesting with a little bit of code | LodeStar Help ( walks through the video example step by step.

But first we need to look at ‘interactivity’ and understand where we benefit from some knowledge of coding.

The Serious eLearning Manifesto states that “We will use elearning’s unique interactive capabilities to support reflection, application, rehearsal, elaboration, contextualization, debate, evaluation, synthesization, et cetera”.   When we examine this list of strategies/activities and consider the unique interactive capabilities that will support them, we start with the following:

  • Ability to store information about the learners and their behavior.
  • Ability to offer something different and individualized based on this information.
  • Ability to create a visual, manipulatable, and functional learning environment that suggests an authentic (if not totally realistic) context.

That’s not an exhaustive list.  It’s a start.  It promises more than page turners and roll-overs.  Now, we need to match these capabilities with the authoring tool and the required code.


Ability to store information about the learners and their behavior.

Variables are used in code to store information.  The information can range from a number to a sentence to a list to a full essay.  Variables provide a human-friendly way to store and retrieve information.  They represent addresses in the computer’s memory.  As instructional designers we don’t need to know anything about those gobbledygook addresses or how the information is stored physically in the computer.  We usually need to know whether the variable is intended to store a number or a string of characters. (See Appendix A) 

So what can we store in a variable?  The answer is many things. 

  • Points scored
  • Type of question answered incorrectly
  • Number of tries
  • Learner’s journal entry
  • Bookmarked page where the learner left off
  • Much much more

In a recent eLearning program, our objective was to help the learners use LinkedIn effectively to promote their professional brand.  Their eLearning task was to help a fictitious character build up his Social Selling Index.  The index is made up of four components: brand, people, insights and relationships.  Successful completion of the activities increased the character’s brand index, people index, insights index, and relationships index.  We created four variables and, you guessed it, they were:  brand, people, insights, and relationships.  Each activity was categorized and affected one of these indices.  In other words, we increased the numerical value in the corresponding variable.

Variables included in a LodeStar authored eLearning module

This contributed to what the Serious eLearning Manifesto calls authentic context.  The performance objective was to help employees increase their SSI.  The activities in the eLearning module increased the character’s SSI.  We could have designed a presentation and a quiz.  We didn’t.  But to achieve that authentic context, we needed to store values in variables. 

To learn more about variables, complete the hands-on exercise shown in the video (mentioned above) and the accompanying tutorial.  You can download LodeStar 9 and use it at no charge to complete the exercise.  LodeStar Learning Corporation

Ability to offer something different and individualized based on this information.

In another recent project, we created a simple simulation of a workplace engagement platform.  The simulation helped guide employees through the steps of requesting feedback from their supervisor, co-worker or reports. A future simulation will be focused less on the procedural and more on the best practices of soliciting and giving feedback.  The first simulation was a post-training exercise. Our HR Director conducted the training.  The post-training exercise helped refresh participants’ memory on the basic steps.   The strategy was to add points for correct choices and subtract points for incorrect choices.  In response to wrong choices, feedback steered participants in the right direction.    A counter in the bottom left corner showed the result of correct and incorrect choices.  It was a bit of gamification but always with the intent to guide participants to the right choice.  In other words, guided practice.

So what role does code play?

This simple simulation wasn’t built from a template with some sort of pre-defined logic.  It was custom built for our purposes.  But it was a very simple construction. We began with a blank screen, uploaded screenshots and defined click/touch areas.

As a result of click, we wanted to a) add or subtract points and b) branch to a new screen or display an overlay.  We never subtracted points multiple times in response to multiple clicks on the same thing – but we always showed feedback.

Code can help us to:

  • Check if the item has been clicked before.  If no and if correct choice, add points and then branch.  If no and if not correct, subtract points and provide corrective feedback.  If yes and incorrect, increment a counter to provide another level of feedback with more urgency.
  • Store a value that enables us to check if item has been clicked.

These rules are simple.  They can be complex.  In this simple example, we use variables and conditional logic (i.e. if statements).  We also use branching, which, in this case means, display an overlay or display a new screen with hotspots and more code that gets executed when the invisible hotspot is clicked on.

A Simple eLearning Simulation

To be true to this section heading (i.e. Offer something individualized) , we could have gone further.   If the participant breezed through a scenario, we could have used conditional logic to increase the difficulty of the scenario.   If the participant stumbled through, we could have kept the level of difficulty the same (i.e. plateau).  The same tools apply: variables and if-then statements.  I’m tempted to say that this approach is simpler than trying to shoehorn a pre-programmed template to your needs.  

Ability to create a visual, manipulatable, and functional learning environment that suggests an authentic (if not totally realistic) context.

The screenshot below shows the beginnings of a tutorial on automatic direction finding (ADF), an older navigational method for airplane pilots.  There is just enough detail to make this panel somewhat realistic but the panel is a simple composition of ellipses, paths, rectangles and text.  The Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) is composed of these elements.  Each element can generate a click event that can result in the execution of some code.  In the screenshot we are highlighting a switch that has the id of g2423.  When this switch is clicked, with a bit of code, we can cause something to happen.   The graphical element is tied to a LodeStar branch option.  The branch option executes commands that relate to a NDB (Non-Directional Beacon) that the pilot can tune in – in this case, the audio playback of Morse Code to identify the beacon.   As I’ve heard Ethan Edwards from Allen Interactions say many times, you just need enough realism to accomplish your learning objective.  Any more and you’re wasting your time or your client’s money or both.

Automatic Direction Finding — eLearning Module

To show another example, in the video and tutorial link referenced in the conclusion, I walk through a simple example of how to make Scalable Vector Graphics interactive.  I walk through an example of a traffic light switch.   I chose this example because it is a little easier to understand than the ADF on an airplane.

A LodeStar Learning tutorial on variables, conditional statements, functions, and SVG graphics



In the pursuit of serious eLearning and meaningful interactivity, I’ve noted LodeStar’s ability to support variables, conditional statements, branch options and the ability to change the properties of objects.  Other authoring systems also support these concepts and require the author to understand the basics behind variables, conditional statements and logic in general.  Allen Learning Technologies’ ZebraZapps requires no coding – but it does require the instructional designer to think logically.  Wiring replaces code, but logical reasoning is still required.  Articulate Storyline has the concept of triggers and supports events such as clicks, hovers and drags.  Those events can be tied to property changes of Storyline’s native vector format.  Storyline also supports variables and has an easy-to-use interface for building sophisticated conditional statements.  Adobe Captivate supports the association of actions with graphics.  For example, the learner can click on a rectangle associated with an action such as show/hide and increment/decrement.   Captivate also supports an interface that can apply conditional logic to an action.  For example, a variable might keep track of slide states.  Each state can house different text.  As the learner clicks a rectangle, an ‘if’ condition displays the matching text based on the current value of the variable.   In short, Storyline and Captivate support the idea of variables, events, conditional statements and the ability to dynamically change the properties of graphics.  ZebraZapps has the same ability but without requiring a line of code. 

Whatever the authoring tools’ approach, the ability to store information about the learners, to offer something different and tailored for the learner, and the ability to create a visual, manipulatable, and functional learning environment relies on the instructional designer’s logical thinking and the authoring tools’ ability to store values, change course based on conditions, and modify the visual environment in some way.

These resources can help you get started.  The first two, I’ve already mentioned.  The third is a terrific resource to learn the basics of coding.

LodeStar 9 — Elements Of Interactivity – YouTube

Making your projects interactive and interesting with a little bit of code | LodeStar Help (

Learn to Code – for Free | Codecademy

Appendix A

To illustrate the concept of data type in variables, examine the following table:

Name                    Rank

Joe                         11

Anna                      2

Kim                        1

In the preceding table, Kim came in first place, Anna in second, and Joe in eleventh place.    A variable stores a person’s rank.  If we interpreted the information in the variable as a number, then this would be the sorted order:

Kim     1

Anna   2

Joe       11

If we treated the variable as a string of characters, this would be the sorted order:

Kim     1

Joe       11

Anna  2

In the second case, the value stored in the variable is treated as a character.  In the computer’s character table, ‘1’ is assigned the numerical value of 49.  ‘2’ is assigned the numerical value of 50.  The computer compares the first character 1 to the first character of 2.  It looks up the character value and processes the comparison as 49 to 50.  49 is lower, therefore, the computer places 11 before 2.    But that’s practically all there is to the complexity.  Variables store information.  It matters whether we interpret the information as numbers or as characters. This is known as the data type of the variable.